List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Lzeae - 16S Lactobacillus zeae, Lactobacillus casei
Ooeni - 16S Oenococcus oeni
Pdamn - 16S Pediococcus damnosus
Pparv - 16S Pediococcus parvulus
Urobe63a S-*-Urobe-0063-a-A-20 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S uncultured Ruminococcus obeum-like bacteria
Urobe63b S-*-Urobe-0063-b-A-20 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S uncultured Ruminococcus obeum-like bacteria
CFX1238 extremophilic microbes, phototrophic bacteria 16S Chloroflexus
RFX1238 extremophilic microbes, phototrophic bacteria 16S Roseiflexus assemblage
Pchl454 - 16S Pseudomonas chlororaphis
b91 symbiotic microbes 16S mealybug betaproteobacterial endosymbionts
b162 symbiotic microbes 16S mealybug betaproteobacterial endosymbionts
b886 symbiotic microbes 16S mealybug betaproteobacterial endosymbionts
b1273 symbiotic microbes 16S mealybug betaproteobacterial endosymbionts
g80 symbiotic microbes 16S secondary endosymbiont of Planococcus citri
g458 symbiotic microbes 16S secondary endosymbiont of Planococcus citri
g630 symbiotic microbes 16S secondary endosymbiont of Planococcus citri
g1273 symbiotic microbes 16S secondary endosymbiont of Planococcus citri
NLIMI 91 S-G-N.limI-0091-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Nostocoida limicola I
NLIMII 175 S-S-N.limII-0175-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Nostocoida limicola II strains except strain Ben 70
NLIMII 192 S-S-N.limII-0192-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Nostocoida limicola II strain Ben 70
NLIMIII 301 S-S-N.limIII-0301-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Nostocoida limicola III strains
NLIMIII 729 S-S-N.limIII-0729-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Nostocoida limicola III strain Ben 220
NLIMIII 830 S-S-N.limIII-0830-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Nostocoida limicola III strains except Ben 220
Bmy843 S-*-Bmy-0843-a-A-18 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Bacillus
Ver620 S-*-Ver-0620-a-A-18 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Verrucomicrobium