List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Chis150 S-*-Chis-0150-a-A-23 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S most of the Clostridium histolyticum group (Clostridium cluster I and II)
Erec482 S-*-Erec-0482-a-A-19 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S most of the Clostridium coccoides-Eubacterium rectale group (Clostridium cluster XIVa and XIVb)
Strc493 S-*-Strc-0493-a-A-19 - 16S most Streptococcus spp. and some Lactococcus spp.
GB bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
GB_G1 (GAOQ989) bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
GB_G2 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
GB_1 and 2 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
GB_2 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
GB_3 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
GB_4 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
GB_5 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
GB_6 (Gam1019) bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
GB_7 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S novel gammaproteobacterial group
CFB560 - 16S subgroup of Bacteroidetes
CFB562 - 16S subgroup of Bacteroidetes
CFB376 - 16S subgroup of Bacteroidetes
Lis-637 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Listeria spp., except L. grayi
Mka220 - 16S subgroup of Bacteroidetes
Mkb221 - 16S subgroup of Bacteroidetes
Mkc219 - 16S subgroup of Bacteroidetes
Mkd1111 - 16S subgroup of Bacteroidetes
SGR220 - 16S Saprospira grandis
SGR1200 - 16S Saprospira grandis and relatives
SGR1425 - 16S Saprospira grandis and relatives
Bak655 - 16S Candidatus Magnospira bakii