2970 probes found.
Probe name | Full name (Alm et al.) | Category | Target rRNA | Specificity | FISH | Primer |
21N | — | bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment | 16S | Eikelboom type 021N strain II-26 | ✔ | ✘ |
LDI | — | bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment | 16S | Leptothrix discophora | ✔ | ✘ |
SNA | — | bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment | 16S | Sphaerotilus natans | ✔ | ✘ |
Cp1 | — | bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance | 16S | Clostridium perfringens | ✘ | ✘ |
Cp2 | — | bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance | 16S | Clostridium perfringens | ✘ | ✘ |
Cp3 | — | bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance | 23S | Clostridium perfringens | ✘ | ✘ |
ARBA (23-mer) | — | bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance | 16S | Arcobacter spp. | ✘ | ✘ |
ARBA (27-mer) | — | bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance | 16S | Arcobacter spp. | ✘ | ✘ |
ARBU (24-mer) | — | bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance | 16S | Arcobacter butzleri | ✘ | ✘ |
Hp16S-1 | — | bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance | 16S | Helicobacter pylori | ✔ | ✘ |
beta-572 | — | animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota | 16S | Candidatus Snodgrassella alvi or Beta (symbiotic Neisseriaceae phylotype in honey bee) | ✔ | ✘ |
OalgGAM445 | — | symbiotic microbes, S-oxidizing (sulfur-oxidizing) bacteria | 16S | Gammaproteobacterial, sulfur-oxidizing symbiont of Olavius algarvensis | ✔ | ✘ |
OalgDEL136 | — | symbiotic microbes, sulfate-reducing microbes | 16S | Deltaproteobacterial symbiont of Olavius algarvensis | ✔ | ✘ |
I. leu. (IleuSYM581) | — | symbiotic microbes | 16S | Gammaproteobacterial symbiont of Inanidrilus leukodermatus | ✔ | ✘ |
O. tan. (OtanSYM581) | — | symbiotic microbes | 16S | Gammaproteobacterial symbiont of Olavius tantalus | ✔ | ✘ |
PRYM02 | — | eukaryotes | 18S | Prymnesiophyceae | ✔ | ✘ |
PTB-6-7/1030 | — | - | 16S | PTB 6/7 cluster | ✔ | ✘ |
PTB-6-7/997 | — | - | 16S | PTB 6/7 cluster | ✔ | ✘ |
PTB-1/482 | — | - | 16S | PTB 1 cluster, Stappia stellulata, bacterium (AB010864) | ✔ | ✘ |
PTB-1/1014 | — | - | 16S | PTB 1 cluster, Stappia stellulata | ✔ | ✘ |
PTB-all/646 | — | - | 16S | Alphaproteobacterial clade (all PTB) | ✔ | ✘ |
PELA02 | — | eukaryotes | 18S | Pelagophyceae clade containing Aureococcus, Pelagomonas, Pulvinaria, CCMP 1395 | ✔ | ✘ |
PELA01 | — | eukaryotes | 18S | Pelagophyceae | ✔ | ✘ |
PAO462 | — | bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment | 16S | Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis | ✔ | ✘ |
Rc988 | — | bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment | 16S | Rhodocyclus spp., Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis, and related bacteria | ✘ | ✘ |