List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
EICO bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Eikenella corrodens
CARE bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Campylobacter rectus
PnecABCD-445 - 16S Polynucleobacter cluster
Actino-221 S-S-Actino-221-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Actinobacterial PAO
Actino-658 S-S-Actino-658-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Actinobacterial PAO
Ih820 S-*-Ih820-0820-a-A-18 syntrophic microbes, sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfotomaculum subcluster Ih (Pelotomaculum and Cryptanaerobacter)
ProCo1264 S-*-ProCo-1264-a-A-23 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Ruminococcus productus and relatives
Csac67 S-S-Csac-67-a-A-20 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Clostridium saccharogumia
Betthio1001 L-G-bThiob-1001-a-A-21 S-oxidizing (sulfur-oxidizing) bacteria 23S Betaproteobacterial Thiobacilli
Creno445 S-S-Cpoly-445-a-A-18 methylotrophic bacteria 16S Crenothrix polyspora
Cp653-A methylotrophic bacteria 16S Crenothrix polyspora sequence cluster I
Cp653-B methylotrophic bacteria 16S Crenothrix polyspora sequence cluster II-IV
Cp1130-A methylotrophic bacteria 16S Crenothrix polyspora sequence cluster I-II
Cp1130-B methylotrophic bacteria 16S Crenothrix polyspora sequence cluster III-IV
VIB572a - 16S Genus Vibrio
VIB572b - 16S other Vibrio/Photobacterium
PSU730 - 16S Genus Pseudoalteromonas
SHEW227 - 16S Genus Shewanella
MX825b methanogenic archaea 16S Methanosaetaceae subgroup
MX825c methanogenic archaea 16S Methanosaetaceae subgroup
MX1361 methanogenic archaea 16S Methanosaetaceae
MG1200b methanogenic archaea 16S most Methanomicrobiales
MB311 methanogenic archaea 16S Methanobacteriales
MC504 methanogenic archaea 16S Methanocaldococcaceae
CST440 cellulose-decomposing bacteria 16S Group 1 clones (AC044 and AC051), closely related to Clostridium stercorarium