List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
MX825b methanogenic archaea 16S Methanosaetaceae subgroup
MX825c methanogenic archaea 16S Methanosaetaceae subgroup
MX1361 methanogenic archaea 16S Methanosaetaceae
HEL274 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Helicobacter sp., Wolinella sp.
HEL717 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Helicobacter sp., Wolinella sp.
HEP642 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Helicobacter hepaticus
GAN1237 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Helicobacter ganmani
Actino837 symbiotic microbes 16S specific for phylotype Rs-Q42/RsW01-017 in Propionibacteriaceae
CTE998-1015 - 16S Collimonas sp.
ZNS1439 S-*-Znsym-1439-a-A-20 symbiotic microbes 16S Zoothamnium niveum ectosymbiont
ZNS196 S-*-Znsym-0196-a-A-19 symbiotic microbes 16S Zoothamnium niveum ectosymbiont
MPA bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Candidatus Microthrix
PPx3-1428 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Candidatus Alysiomicrobium bavaricum
Noli-644 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Candidatus Alysiosphaera europaea
MC2-649 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Candidatus Monilibacter batavus
Sita-649 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Candidatus Sphaeronema italicum
Combo-1031 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Candidatus Combothrix italica
Cate-1013 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Candidatus Catenimonas italica
MZ1 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Thauera spp. mzt1t
GAM42a_T1038_G1031 higher taxonomic levels 23S Representatives of the Xanthomonas group
GAM42a_T1038 higher taxonomic levels 23S Representatives of the Xanthomonas group
GAM42a_A1041_A1040 higher taxonomic levels 23S Representatives of the Xanthomonas group and the Alphaproteobacteria, Brevundimonas diminuta
Cren537 higher taxonomic levels 16S Crenarchaea
Eury806 higher taxonomic levels 16S Euryarchaea
FUNU bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Fusobacterium nucleatum/canifelinum