List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
SPIRO657 - 16S Sponge-associated phylogenetic lineages of the Spirochaetes phylum.
SPIRO1009 - 16S Sponge-associated phylogenetic lineages of the Spirochaetes phylum.
CYL - 16S Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii
Cboid198 S-S-C.boid-0198-a-A-18 - 18S Candida boidinii
S-*-CFB-0655-a-A-18 S-*-CFB-0655-a-A-18 - 16S OTU 8 of CFB (Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides)
S-*-CFB-0730-a-A-18 S-*-CFB-0730-a-A-18 - 16S OTU 9 of CFB (Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides)
S-*-GNS-0667-a-A-18 S-*-GNS-0667-a-A-18 - 16S OTU 11 and 12 of GNSB (green nonsulfur bacteria)
S-*-Opitu-0744-a-A-18 S-*-Opitu-0744-a-A-18 - 16S OTU 13 of Verrucomicrobia
ANA103 - 16S Actinomyces naeslundii
FUS664 - 16S Fusobacterium nucleatum,
MIT588 - 16S Streptococcus oralis
ODB1021 - 16S Octadecabacter spp.
RSHP995 - 16S Roseobacter sp. strain Shippagan group
GPU622 - 16S Glaciecola punicea
GVstr214 - 16S Glaciecola sp. strain GVstr214.6
SF825 - 16S Shewanella frigidimarina
PSYB476 - 16S Psychrobacter spp.
MB-IC022 - 16S Marinobacter sp. strain IC022 group
PB223 - 16S Polaribacter spp.
GAN850 - 16S Gallibacterium
VP403 - 16S Verrucomicrobium, most Prosthecobacter, and uncultured relatives
SPA714 - 16S Most Spartobacteria and uncultured relatives
SPA649 - 16S Uncultured humic and acidic lake Spartobacteria
OPT1169 - 16S Opitutus spp. and uncultured relatives
Blsv1030 - 16S Blastochloris viridis