List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
MyxCor22 - 16S Some Myxococcus
Coralc4 - 16S Some Corallococcus
Coralc8 - 16S Some Corallococcus
Corallc10 - 16S Some Corallococcus
Corallc5 - 16S Some Corallococcus
Corallc6 - 16S Some Corallococcus
Corallc9 - 16S Some Corallococcus
Anmxb5 - 16S Anaeromyxobacter
Anmxb6 - 16S Anaeromyxobacter
StigMyx9 - 16S Stigmatella
Polyang10 - 16S Polyangium
Polyang2 - 16S Polyangium
Chond2 - 16S Chondromyces
Chond5 - 16S Chondromyces
Chond6 - 16S Chondromyces
Chond7 - 16S Chondromyces
un3Chon2 - 16S Uncultured Chondromyces
un3Chon3 - 16S Uncultured Chondromyces
un3Chon5 - 16S Uncultured Chondromyces
un43Chon10 - 16S Uncultured Chondromyces
un43Chon12 - 16S Uncultured Chondromyces
un43Chon13 - 16S Uncultured Chondromyces
un43Chon4 - 16S Uncultured Chondromyces
un43Chon7 - 16S Uncultured Chondromyces
un43Chon8 - 16S Uncultured Chondromyces