List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Metsar7 - 16S Methylosarcina quisquillarum and Methylosarcina fibrata
enter5 - 16S Enterobacteriaceae
enter6 - 16S Escherichia/Citrobacter/Salmonella/Shigella cluster
enter3 - 16S Some Escherichia (E. coli and E. alberti)
enter4 - 16S Some Escherichia (E. coli and E. alberti)
Xenem1 - 16S Xenorhabdus nematophila
Xenem2 - 16S Xenorhabdus nematophila
Xenem3 - 16S Xenorhabdus nematophila
Xenem4 - 16S Xenorhabdus nematophila
Xenem5 - 16S Xenorhabdus nematophila
Xenem6 - 16S Xenorhabdus nematophila
Xenem7 - 16S Xenorhabdus nematophila
Xebe3 - 16S Xenorhabdus bedignii
Pagg5 - 16S Pantoea agglomerans
Pagg6 - 16S Pantoea agglomerans
Kgra3 - 16S Klebsiella granulomatis (within K. pneumoniae cluster)
Raqu2 - 16S Rahnella aquatilis
RaSef2 - 16S Rahnella and Serratia fonticula
RaSef4 - 16S Rahnella and Serratia fonticula
Serr1 - 16S Some Serratia
CitBut1 - 16S Citrobacter cluster and Buttiauxella
CitBut2 - 16S Citrobacter cluster and Buttiauxella
CitBut3 - 16S Citrobacter cluster and Buttiauxella
Eamy4 - 16S Erwinia amylovora cluster
Eamy5 - 16S Erwinia amylovora cluster