List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Aldef5 - 16S Alcaligenes defragans
Alfae1 - 16S Alcaligenes faecalis cluster
Alfae2 - 16S Alcaligenes faecalis cluster
Alfae5 - 16S Alcaligenes faecalis cluster
Alfae7 - 16S Alcaligenes faecalis cluster
Achrom2 - 16S Achromobacter cluster
Achrom3 - 16S Achromobacter cluster
Achrom4 - 16S Achromobacter cluster
Rasol1 - 16S Ralstonia solanacearum
Chrom4 - 16S Chromobacterium cluster
Metphi1 - 16S Methylophilus cluster
Metphi2 - 16S Methylophilus cluster and uncultured Methylophylaceae cluster
Metphi3 - 16S Methylophilus cluster and uncultured Methylophylaceae cluster
MetMet1 - 16S Methylobacillus glycogenes, Methylobacillus praetensis and Methylomonas methylovora
Metvor2 - 16S Methylovorus mays, Methylovorus glycosetrophus and Methylobacillus
Metvor3 - 16S Methylovorus mays, Methylovorus glycosetrophus and Methylobacillus
Metmic1 - 16S Methylomicrobium cluster
Metmic2 - 16S Methylomicrobium cluster
Metmic5 - 16S Methylomicrobium cluster
Metmic6 - 16S Methylomicrobium cluster
Metmic7 - 16S Methylomicrobium cluster
Metmic8 - 16S Methylomicrobium cluster
Metmic9 - 16S Methylomicrobium agile and Methylomicrobium album
Metsar4 - 16S Methylosarcina cluster
Metsar5 - 16S Methylosarcina quisquillarum and Methylosarcina fibrata