List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
PseuSag1 - 16S Pseudomonas sp. Sag-1 and Iqa-1
Pseu34 - 16S Pseudomonas fragi cluster and Pseudomonas FAIR cluster
Pseu35 - 16S Pseudomonas LAB-26 cluster
Pseu36 - 16S Pseudomonas LAB-26 cluster
NmV - 16S Nitrosococcus mobilis
Nitmob - 16S Nitrosococcus mobilis
Allo1 - 16S Allochromatium
Allo4 - 16S Allochromatium
Chrom1 - 16S Chromatium
Thio3H - 16S Thiocapsa
Thiocys2 - 16S Thiocystis
alter1 - 16S Alteromonas
alter2 - 16S Alteromonas
psalter1 - 16S Pseudoalteromonas
psalter2 - 16S Pseudoalteromonas
Xancam - 16S Xanthomonas campestris
Lysant - 16S Lysobacter antibioticus
Geo1A - 16S Some Geobacter
Geo1B - 16S Geobacter
DVLVT222f - 16S Desulfovibrio
DVGL228e - 16S Desulfovibrio
Ep1 - 16S Uncultured Epsilonproteobacteria affiliated to Nautiliaceae
Epsi1 - 16S Uncultured Epsilonproteobacteria affiliated to Sulfirimonas/Thiomicrospira
Epsi3 - 16S Uncultured Epsilonproteobacteria affiliated to Sulfirimonas/Thiomicrospira
Alvi2 - 16S Unidentified Epsilonproteobacteria affiliated to Alvinella