List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Bkhvand - 16S Burkholderia plantarii
Thau2 - 16S Thauera
Ni2 - 16S Nitrosomonas
Nitcom2b - 16S Nitrosomonas communis
Nitcryo1 - 16S Nitrosomonas cryotolerans
Nitcryo2 - 16S Nitrosomonas cryotolerans
Nithalo1 - 16S Nitrosomonas halophila
Nithalo2 - 16S Nitrosomonas halophila
Nitmar2 - 16S Nitrosomonas marina
Comtes2 - 16S Comamonas (mainly C. testosteroni)
RhizoLCSA1 - 16S Maize rhizosphere clones affiliated to Variovorax, Aquabacterium and Sphingomonas
Alca1b - 16S Alcaligenaceae
Eikcor1 - 16S Eikenella corrodens
Methphi5 - 16S Methylophilus cluster
Car1 - 16S Carsonella ruddii
ACT465a - 16S Acidithiobacillus
Thio2 - 16S Acidithiobacillus
Mor1 - 16S Moraxella
Psy1 - 16S Psychrobacter
marino - 16S Marinospirillum
Ocea1 - 16S Oceanospirillum
Ocea2 - 16S Oceanospirillum
Methy1A - 16S Some Methylomonas
Methy1B - 16S Some Methylomonas
Methmo6 - 16S Methylomonas cluster