List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
lyng2 - 16S Lyngbya
micys1 - 16S Microcystis
micys2 - 16S Microcystis
micys3 - 16S Microcystis
oscil1 - 16S Planktothrix
phor2 - 16S Phormidium
pleur1 - 16S Pleurocapsa
pleur2 - 16S Pleurocapsa
pleur3 - 16S Pleurocapsa
prochlo1 - 16S Prochlorothrix
prochlo2 - 16S Prochlorothrix
Systic2 - 16S Synechocystic
thia1 - 16S Thialhalivibrio
tricho2 - 16S Trichodesmium
tricho3 - 16S Trichodesmium
chlorob1 - 16S Chlorobium
Bacil16 - 16S Bacillus
Bacil60 - 16S Bacillus sphaericus
Bacsub2 - 16S Bacillus subtilis et rel. cluster
Bacmega1 - 16S Bacillus megaterium
BaCoa1 - 16S Bacillus coagulans cluster
Paeni4-2 - 16S Paenibacillus popolliae et rel. cluster (including P. lentimorbus, P. thyaminolyticus)
Paeni1-2 - 16S Paenibacillus naphthalenovorans
Paeni7-2 - 16S Paenibacillus azotofixans
Paeni7-3 - 16S Paenibacillus azotofixans