List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Ira3 - 16S Azospirillum irakense
Ama2 - 16S Azospirillum amazonense
Rhodo2 - 16S Rhodospirillum
Pha - 16S Phaeospirillum
Rho1 - 16S Rhodocista
Rho2 - 16S Rhodocista
Wol3 - 16S Wolbachia
Wol4 - 16S Wolbachia
Ehrli1 - 16S Ehrlichiaceae (excepted Ehrlichia risticii and Cowdria)
Cow1 - 16S Cowdria
Holo1 - 16S Holospora
Caedi1 - 16S Caedibacter
Rhodobact1B - 16S Rhodobacteraceae (excepted Paracoccus, Amaricoccus, Rhodobacter and Rhodovulum)
Rhodovo1A - 16S Rhodovolum
Sphingo5A - 16S Most Sphingomonadaceae
Sphingo5B - 16S Most Sphingomonadaceae
Rhi - 16S Rhizobiaceae (excepted Agrobacterium)
Rhizo157 - 16S Rhizobiaceae (excepted Agrobacterium), Bradyrhizobiaceae, Brucellaceae and Brevundimonas
Agro157 - 16S Agrobacterium (Biovar 1, 2 and 3)
B6-128 - 16S Agrobacterium (Genomic species G2, G3, G4, G7 and G9)
C58-128 - 16S Agrobacterium (G6, G8 and some A. rubi)
TT111-128 - 16S Agrobacterium (G1)
AF310-128 - 16S Agrobacterium larrymoorei, some Sulfitobacter, and some Roseobacter
Arub128 - 16S Some Agrobacterium rubi
Avit128 - 16S Agrobacterium vitis