List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Flex3 - 16S Mucispirillum
Flex5 - 16S Mucispirillum
Flex6 - 16S Mucispirillum
OP2_1 - 16S Candidate phylum OP2
Chloroplast - 16S Chloroplasts
Muco - 16S Mucorales
ActORD1 - 16S Actinomycetales
KocTr4 - 16S Kocuria
Nestk3 - 16S Nesterenkonia
Sporich8 - 16S Sporichthya
Modb2 - 16S Modestobacter
Msph1 - 16S Nakamurella (previously Microsphaera)
Strmyc13 - 16S Streptomyces
Strmyc15 - 16S Streptomyces
Strmyc16 - 16S Streptomyces
Strmyc27 - 16S Streptomyces
Strmyc28 - 16S Streptomyces
Strmyc31 - 16S Streptomyces
StspSUB1 - 16S Streptosporanginae
StspSUB3 - 16S Streptosporanginae
CornbaSUB1 - 16S Corynebacterineae
Wilm1 - 16S Williamsia
Tsuka1 - 16S Tsukamurella
Tsuka2 - 16S Tsukamurella
Rhococ3 - 16S Rhodococcus