List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
MB - 16S Methylobacterium
PS5 - 16S Pseudomonas synxantha and related species of the Pseudomonas fluorescens subgroup
E11 higher taxonomic levels 16S Eubacteria
Nost993 S-*-Nost-993-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Filamentous Alphaproteobacteria
PPx1002 S-*-PPx-1002-a-A-18 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Filamentous Alphaproteobacteria
EU25-1238 S-*-EU25-1238-a-A-20 bacteria of relevance in wastewater treatment 16S Filamentous Chloroflexi
Cribseq S-S-Crib-0064-a-A-20 symbiotic microbes 16S Criblamydia sequanensis
Usporo489 - 16S a group of unclassified Clostridiales related to Sporobacter
DSV827 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S members of the genus Desulfovibrio
DSBA1017 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfobacca acetoxidans
Psc-523 - 16S Piscichlamydia salmonis (and few other unrelated bacteria)
Psc-II - 16S Piscichlamydia salmonis
TG1-Rsd17 symbiotic microbes 16S specific for phylotypes Rs-D17 amp RsTG1 in candidate phylum Termite Group 1
TG1-HsTG1-248 symbiotic microbes 16S specific for phylotype HsTG1 in candidate phylum Termite Group 1
TG1-T-287 symbiotic microbes 16S most members of subphylum 1 of candidate phylum Termite Group 1
TG1-HsTG3-193 symbiotic microbes 16S specific for phylotype HsTG3 in candidate phylum Termite Group 1
TG1-RsD95-123 symbiotic microbes 16S specific for phylotypes Rs-D95, RsDe11, RsDr18 in candidate phylum Termite Group 1
TG1-RsD43-64 symbiotic microbes 16S specific for phylotypes Rs-D43, RsPgL2-11, RsPgO2-18 in candidate phylum Termite Group
TG1-GfMT-287 symbiotic microbes 16S specific for phylotype GfMT5-8 in candidate phylum Termite Group 1
Pint649 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Prevotella intermedia
Pnig657 S-S-P.nig-0657-a-A-19 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S Prevotella nigrescens
Pden654 S-S-P.den-0654-a-A-19 - 16S Prevotella denticola
FUS664 S-G-Fuso-0664-a-A-19 bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 16S most Fusobacterium sp.
SAR92_627 - 16S SAR92 clade
TBD1419 S-S-Tb.den-1419-a-A-18 S-oxidizing (sulfur-oxidizing) bacteria 16S Thiobacillus denitrificans