List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Rint1102 S-S-Rint-1102-a-A-18 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Roseburia intestinalis, human gut isolates L1-952, L1-93, L1-8151, L1-810, and L1-82
Cinn447 S-S-Cinn-0447-a-A-18 - 16S Clostridium innocum
Sple450 S-S-Sple-0450-a-A-18 - 16S Streptococcus pleomorphus
Glsc407 eukaryotes 18S Glaucoma scintillans
Glsc413 eukaryotes 18S Glaucoma scintillans
Glsc651 eukaryotes 18S Glaucoma scintillans
Glsc1129 eukaryotes 18S Glaucoma scintillans
R-BT065 - 16S subgroup of Betaproteobacteria
R-FL615 - 16S subgroup of Bacteriodetes
Ehal578 S-*-Ehal-0578-a-A-18 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Eubacterium hallii, E. hallii L2-7
Fpra655 S-*-Fpra-0655-a-A-18 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Faecalibacterium prausnitzii A2-165 and L2-6
Rint623 S-*-Rint-0623-a-A-18 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Roseburia cecicola, Roseburia intestinalis, human gut isolates L1-81, L1-83, L1-8151, L1-82, L1-952, L1-810, L1-93, A2-194, and A1-86, bacterium clones adhufec8, adhufec225, adhufec150, and adhufec75.25 rumen clones 4C28d-8, 4C3d-14, and 3C3d-8
Emul183 S-S-Emul-0183-a-A-18 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Eubacterium multiforme
Esab1467 S-S-Esab-1467-a-A-18 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Eubacterium saburreum
Eram997 S-S-Eram-0997-a-A18 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Eubacterium ramulus
TGP690 - 16S Pelotomaculum thermopropionicum
Pchl454 - 16S Pseudomonas chlororaphis
muD1 eukaryotes 18S Pseudo-Nitzschia multiseries (Bacilliarophyceae)
auD1 eukaryotes 18S Pseudo-Nitzschia australis (Bacilliarophyceae)
puD1 eukaryotes 18S Pseudo-Nitzschia pungens (Bacilliarophyceae)
BOLI01 S-Sc-Boli-1591(P. globosa)-a-A eukaryotes 18S Bolidophyceae
BOLI02 S-Sc-Boli-582(P. globosa)-a-A- eukaryotes 18S Bolidophyceae
CHLO02 eukaryotes 18S Chlorophyta
CHLO01 eukaryotes 18S Most Chlorophyta, some Non-Chlorophyta
NCHLO01 eukaryotes 18S Most Non-Chlorophyta, some Chlorophyta (Chromista)