List of probes and primers

2970 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
PIN - 16S Bifidobacterium infantis
PLO - 16S Bifidobacterium longum
SPN3 iron- and manganese-reducing bacteria 16S Shewanella putrefaciens
V3VV - 16S Vibrio vulnificus
UNIV1389a S-D-Univ-1389-a-A-18 higher taxonomic levels 16S Bacteria, not Epsilonproteobacteria
UNIV1389b S-D-Univ-1389-b-A-18 higher taxonomic levels, eukaryotes 18S Eucarya
UNIV1389c S-D-Univ-1389-c-A-18 higher taxonomic levels 16S Archaea
ARCH917 S-D-Arch-0917-a-A-18 higher taxonomic levels 16S Archaea
DELTA495a S-C-dProt-0495-a-A-18 higher taxonomic levels, sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Most Deltaproteobacteria and most Gemmatimonadetes
DELTA495b S-*-dProt-0495-b-A-18 higher taxonomic levels, sulfate-reducing microbes 16S some Deltaproteobacteria
DELTA495c S-*-dProt-0495-c-A-18 higher taxonomic levels, sulfate-reducing microbes 16S some Deltaproteobacteria
NTSPA714 S-*-Ntspa-714-a-A-18 higher taxonomic levels, nitrite-oxidizing bacteria 16S Phylum Nitrospira, not Thermodesulfovibrio islandicus
DSB706 S-*-Dsb-0706-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Most Desulfobulbaceae and Thermodesulforhabdus
DSB230 S-*-Dsb-0230-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfotalea-Desulforhopalus-Desulfocapsa-Desulfofustis lineage
DSTAL131 S-G-Dstal-0131-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfotalea spp.
DSTAL213 S-G-Dstal-0213-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfotalea spp.
DSTAL645 S-G-Dstal-0645-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfotalea spp.
DSTAL732 S-G-Dstal-0732-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfotalea spp.
DSTAL835 S-G-Dstal-0835-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfotalea spp.
DSRHP185 S-*-Dsrhp-0185-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulforhopalus spp.
DSBB228 S-G-Dsbb-0228-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfobulbus spp.
DSBB660 S-G-Dsbb-0660-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfobulbus spp.
DSB986 S-*-Dsb-0986-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfobacter spp., Desulfobacula sp., Desulfobacterium sp., Desulfospira sp., Desulfotignum sp.
DSB1030 S-*-Dsb-1030-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfobacter spp., Desulfobacula sp., Desulfobacterium sp., Desulfospira sp., Desulfotignum sp.
DSB1240 S-*-Dsb-1240-a-A-18 sulfate-reducing microbes 16S Desulfobacter spp., Desulfotignum sp.