Probe details


Accession no. pB-221
Full name (Alm et al.) S-G-gMlm-0732-b-A-19
Categories methylotrophic bacteria
Specificity Methylomonas group C
Taxonomy Methylomonas; Methylococcaceae; Methylococcales; Gammaproteobacteria; Pseudomonadota; Pseudomonadati; Bacteria; cellular organisms
Sequence 5'-GTT TGA GTC CAG GGA GCC G-3'
Length [nt] 19
G+C content [%] 63
Target rRNA 16S
Position 732-750
Formamide -
Check specificity/coverage SILVA TestProbe
References Family- and genus-level 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for ecological studies of methanotrophic bacteria. Gulledge J, Ahmad A, Steudler PA, Pomerantz WJ, Cavanaugh CM. Applied and environmental microbiology. 2001. Pubmed: 11571178
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