List of probes and primers

122 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Lpar animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 23S Lactobacillus paracasei
Lsak animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 23S Lactobacillus sakei
Eubac576 S-St-xxxx-0576-a-A-18 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Eubacterium sp. Trains L1-83 and A2-194
Copr60 S-St-xxxx-0060-a-A-18 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Coprococcus sp. Strain L2-50
SER1410 L-G-Serp-1410-a-A-19 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 23S Brachyspira
LasA3720_1281 S-*-LspA-1281-a-A-23 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S subgroup A of unclassified Lachnospiraceae OTU
LasB3720_1281 S-*-LspB-1281-a-A-23 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S subgroup B of unclassified Lachnospiraceae OTU
Bac16065_472 S-*-Bada-0472-a-A-24 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S unclassified Bacteroidales cluster S24-7 OTU
Bac3732_846 S-*-Bada-0846-a-A-24 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S unclassified Bacteroidales cluster S24-7 OTU
Bac11839_649 S-*-Bada-0649-a-A-23 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S unclassified Bacteroidales cluster S24-7 OTU
Bac15326_476 S-*-Bada-0476-a-A-23 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S unclassified Bacteroidales cluster S24-7 OTU
Bac13481_437 S-*-Bada-0437-a-A-22 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S unclassified Bacteroidales cluster S24-7 OTU
All3256_484 S-*-Allb-0484-a-A-22 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S subgroup of genus Allobaculum
Baci731A_87 S-*-Baci-0087-a-A-24 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Bacteroides acidifaciens Group-2
Baci731B_87 S-*-Baci-0087-a-A-22 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Bacteroides acidifaciens Group-1
Rum14644A_184 S-*-Ruco-0184-a-A-23 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S unclassified Oscillibacter OTU
Rum14644B_64 S-*-Ruco-0064-a-A-24 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S unclassified Oscillibacter OTU
Rum17903_443 S-*-Ruco-0443-a-A-20 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S unclassified Ruminococcaceae OTU
LasA5944_580 S-*-LspA-0580-a-A-24 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S subgroup A of unclassified Lachnospiraceae OTU
LasB5944_580 S-*-LspB-0580-a-A-24 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S subgroup B of unclassified Lachnospiraceae OTU
Lab9057_570 S-S-Lbad-0570-a-A-23 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Lactobacillus taiwanensis - L. johnsonii - L. gasseri group
Lab2185_87 S-*-Lbre-0087-a-A-24 animal and human associated microbiota, intestinal microbiota 16S Lactobacillus reuteri