List of probes and primers

59 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Caal eukaryotes, bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 18S Candida albicans
Cagl eukaryotes, bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 18S Candida (Torulopsis) glabrata
Ckrus eukaryotes, bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 18S Candida krusei
Cpara651 (Cpara) eukaryotes, bacteria of medical or hygienical relevance 18S Candida parapsilosis
PF2 higher taxonomic levels, eukaryotes 18S all yeasts
UNIV1389b S-D-Univ-1389-b-A-18 higher taxonomic levels, eukaryotes 18S Eucarya
EUK1195 higher taxonomic levels, eukaryotes 18S Eukarya
NA1 eukaryotes 18S Alexandrium tamarense (North America)
P.pisc eukaryotes 18S Pfiesteria piscicida
EUK1209 higher taxonomic levels, eukaryotes 18S Eukarya
EUK309R S-D-Euca-0309-a-A-17 higher taxonomic levels, eukaryotes 18S Eukarya
EUK502R S-D-Euca-0502-a-A-15 higher taxonomic levels, eukaryotes 18S Eukarya
Glsc407 eukaryotes 18S Glaucoma scintillans
Glsc413 eukaryotes 18S Glaucoma scintillans
Glsc651 eukaryotes 18S Glaucoma scintillans
Glsc1129 eukaryotes 18S Glaucoma scintillans
muD1 eukaryotes 18S Pseudo-Nitzschia multiseries (Bacilliarophyceae)
auD1 eukaryotes 18S Pseudo-Nitzschia australis (Bacilliarophyceae)
puD1 eukaryotes 18S Pseudo-Nitzschia pungens (Bacilliarophyceae)
BOLI01 S-Sc-Boli-1591(P. globosa)-a-A eukaryotes 18S Bolidophyceae
BOLI02 S-Sc-Boli-582(P. globosa)-a-A- eukaryotes 18S Bolidophyceae
CHLO02 eukaryotes 18S Chlorophyta
CHLO01 eukaryotes 18S Most Chlorophyta, some Non-Chlorophyta
NCHLO01 eukaryotes 18S Most Non-Chlorophyta, some Chlorophyta (Chromista)
PI1 eukaryotes 18S Paraphysomonas imperforata (Chrysophyceae)