List of probes and primers

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Entered target organism: Lamprocystis.

6 probes found.

Hit type Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Exact S453D S-*-Lpc-0453-a-A-26 16S Lamprocystis-related bacteria (strain D21 and clone 261, Lake Cadagno)
Exact S453F S-*-Lpc-0453-b-A-26 16S Lamprocystis - related bacteria (clones 335, 371 and strain cad16, Lake Cadagno)
Spec Apur453 S-S-Lpcpur-0453-a-A-26 16S Lamprocystis purpurea (DSM4197), strain A12 3 and clone 345, Lake Cadagno.
Spec Laro453 S-S-Lpcro-0453-a-A-26 16S Lamprocystis roseopersicina (DSM229) and clone 136, Lake Cadagno
Spec S453D S-*-Lpc-0453-a-A-26 16S Lamprocystis-related bacteria (strain D21 and clone 261, Lake Cadagno)
Spec S453F S-*-Lpc-0453-b-A-26 16S Lamprocystis - related bacteria (clones 335, 371 and strain cad16, Lake Cadagno)