List of probes and primers

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Entered target organism: Bacillus.

222 probes found.

Hit type Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Exact Bacsprt1 16S Bacillus sporothermodurans and Bacillus oleronius
Exact Bacsprt2 16S Bacillus sporothermodurans and Bacillus oleronius
Exact Bacpsc 3 16S Bacillus pseudoalcaliphilus and Bacillus alcalophilus
Exact 18 16S Bacillus anthracis, B. cereus
Exact 19 16S Bacillus anthracis, B. cereus
Exact 20 16S Bacillus anthracis, B. cereus
Exact Baccla5 16S Bacillus clausii and B. gibsonii
Exact Tbcil832 S-*-Tbcil-0832-a-A-18 16S thermophilic Bacillus spp.
Exact Bmy843 S-*-Bmy-0843-a-A-18 16S Bacillus
Exact REX72 16S Bacillus
Exact LGC353b 16S Bacillus
Exact Bacil16 16S Bacillus
Exact Bacil1 16S Bacillus
Spec Tbcil832 S-*-Tbcil-0832-a-A-18 16S thermophilic Bacillus spp.
Spec Thio820 S-S-Thio-0820-a-A-22 16S Thiobacillus thiooxidans, T. ferrooxidans
Spec 10 16S Bacillus medusa, B. thuringiensis
Spec 11 16S Bacillus medusa, B. thuringiensis
Spec 12 16S Bacillus medusa, B. thuringiensis
Spec 13 16S Bacillus medusa, B. thuringiensis
Spec 14 16S Bacillus mycoides
Spec 15 16S Bacillus mycoides
Spec 16 16S Bacillus mycoides
Spec 17 16S Bacillus mycoides
Spec 18 16S Bacillus anthracis, B. cereus
Spec 19 16S Bacillus anthracis, B. cereus