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Reference title Abstract Pubmed ID
Identity, abundance and ecophysiology of filamentous bacteria belonging to the Bacteroidetes present in activated sludge plants. Kragelund C, Levantesi C, Borger A, Thelen K, Eikelboom D, Tandoi V, Kong Y, Krooneman J, Larsen P, Thomsen TR, Nielsen PH. Microbiology (Reading, England). 2008. Filamentous members of the Bacteroidetes are commonly observed in activated sludge samples originating from both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), where they occasionally can cause bulking. Several oligonucleotide 16S rRNA-targeted probes were designed to target filaments with a needle-like appearance similar to Haliscomenobacter hydrossis. The design of these probes was based on an isolate and a sequence obtained from a micromanipulated filament. The abundance of filamentous Bacteroidetes was determined in 126 industrial samples applying already published and the newly developed probes. Small populations were found in 62 % of the WWTP investigated. However, only relatively few WWTP (13 %) contained large populations of filamentous Bacteroidetes potentially responsible for bulking incidences. The identity of the most abundant filamentous Bacteroidetes with H. hydrossis morphology could be detected by probes CFB719, SAP-309 and the newly designed probe HHY-654. A comprehensive study on the ecophysiology of probe-defined Bacteroidetes populations was conducted on Danish and Czech samples. The studies revealed that they were specialized bacteria involved in degradation of sugars, e.g. glucose and N-acetylglucosamine, and may participate in the conversion of lipopolysaccharides and peptidoglycan liberated by decaying cells. Many surface-associated exo-enzymes were excreted, e.g. chitinase, glucuronidase, esterase and phosphatase, supporting conversion of polysaccharides and possibly other released cell components. The role of filamentous bacteria with a H. hydrossis-like morphology in the activated sludge ecosystem is discussed. 18310034

The following probes occur in the paper:

HHY-T5 (pB-1520), HHY-654 (pB-1521)