Reference details

Reference title Abstract Pubmed ID
Diversity and in situ quantification of Acidobacteria subdivision 1 in an acidic mining lake. Kleinsteuber S, Müller FD, Chatzinotas A, Wendt-Potthoff K, Harms H. FEMS microbiology ecology. 2008. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from acidic mining lake water and sediment, and from an enclosure to which organic carbon was added to stimulate microbial alkalinization processes of sulfate and iron reduction revealed the presence of diverse sequences affiliated with the Acidobacteria subdivision 1. A novel oligonucleotide probe, ACIDO228, was designed that covered most sequences of Acidobacteria subdivision 1. The hybridization conditions were optimized using the type strain Acidobacterium capsulatum. The depth distribution and seasonal dynamics of Acidobacteria in the lake and the enclosure were assessed by whole cell hybridization. Sequence analyses and in situ quantification indicated that Acidobacteria accounted for a substantial part of bacterioplankton communities in both compartments. During the summer stratification distinct maxima of acidobacterial abundance were detected in the hypolimnion (up to 13% of total cell numbers), whereas during spring and autumn circulations no clear depth-dependent differences were visible. These data suggest that Acidobacteria thrive best in the hypolimnion, which is characterized by lower temperatures and higher availability of organic substrates. The application of probe ACIDO228 provided quantitative information on the seasonal and depth distribution of Acidobacteria in a lake environment and in particular in a rather extreme habitat, an acidic mining lake. 18028401

The following probes occur in the paper:

ACIDO228 (pB-1364)