Advantage of using inosine at the 3' termini of 16S rRNA gene universal primers for the study of microbial diversity. Ben-Dov E, Shapiro OH, Siboni N, Kushmaro A. Applied and environmental microbiology. 2006. |
To overcome the shortcomings of universal 16S rRNA gene primers 8F and 907R when studying the diversity of complex microbial communities, the 3' termini of both primers were replaced with inosine. A comparison of the clone libraries derived using both primer sets showed seven bacterial phyla amplified by the altered primer set (8F-I/907R-I) whereas the original set amplified sequences belonging almost exclusively to Proteobacteria (95.8%). Sequences belonging to Firmicutes (42.6%) and Thermotogae (9.3%) were more abundant in a library obtained by using 8F-I/907R-I at a PCR annealing temperature of 54 degrees C, while Proteobacteria sequences were more frequent (62.7%) in a library obtained at 50 degrees C, somewhat resembling the result obtained using the original primer set. The increased diversity revealed by using primers 8F-I/907R-I confirms the usefulness of primers with inosine at the 3' termini in studying the microbial diversity of environmental samples. |
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