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Reference title Abstract Pubmed ID
Development of 18S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for specific detection of Hartmannella and Naegleria in Legionella-positive environmental samples. Grimm D, Ludwig WF, Brandt BC, Michel R, Schleifer KH, Hacker J, Steinert M. Systematic and applied microbiology. 2001. Aquatic protozoa are natural hosts of the human pathogen Legionella pneumophila. The fluorescence labeled 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe LEGPNE1 has recently been shown to specifically detect extracellular legionellae as well as intracellular legionellae parasitizing protozoa. In this study we designed oligonucleotide probes which are complementary to distinct regions of the 18S rRNA of the Legionella host organisms of the genera Hartmannella and Naegleria. The specificity of the probes, HART498 and NAEG1088, was tested by in situ hybridization of various laboratory reference strains. In order to evaluate the fluorescent probes for environmental studies three selected Legionella-positive cold water habitats were examined for the presence of these protozoa. Traditional culture methods followed by morphological identification revealed an almost consistent presence of Naegleria spp. in cold water habitats. Other protozoa species including Acanthamoeba spp., Echinamoeba spp., Hartmannella spp., Platyamoeba placida, Saccamoeba spp., Thecamoeba quadrilineata, and Vexillifera spp. were found sporadically. Concomitant analysis of the pH, conductivity and temperature of the water samples revealed no preference of Legionella or the respective protozoa for certain environmental conditions. The specificity of the newly designed 18S rRNA probes demonstrates that they are valuable and rapid tools for the identification of culturable environmental protozoa. 11403402

The following probes occur in the paper:

LEGPNE1 (pB-194)