Details of the microarray

Array name Description Technique Reference
Pseudomonas microarray Microarray for assessing diversity of Pseudomonas populations. The microarray contains 12 probes for five Pseudomonas phylogenetic clusters chosen because they include well-known plant-beneficial pseudomonads. Four of the clusters are within the 'Pseudomonas fluorescens' species complex. - -

The following probes are part of the array:

Pseu1 (pB-2147), PseuBC2-10 (pB-2148), PseuBC2BC3 (pB-2149), PseuBC2BC3-2 (pB-2150), Pseu4 (pB-2151), Pseu5 (pB-2152), Pseu6 (pB-2153), Pseu7 (pB-2154), Pseu8 (pB-2155), Pseu22 (pB-2156), Pseu28 (pB-2157), Kluy3 (pB-2158), Kluy5 (pB-2159)