Probe details


To be used as primer.

Accession no. pB-3801
Full name (Alm et al.) S-P-Nano-1390-a-A-17
Categories primer
Specificity Nanoarchaea
Taxonomy Nanobdellota; Nanobdellati; Archaea; cellular organisms
Sequence 5'-ACG GGC GGT GAG TGC AA-3'
Length [nt] 17
G+C content [%] 65
Target rRNA 16S
Position 1390-1406
Direction Reverse primer
Tm 52.00
Check specificity/coverage SILVA TestProbe
References A new phylum of Archaea represented by a nanosized hyperthermophilic symbiont. Huber H, Hohn MJ, Rachel R, Fuchs T, Wimmer VC, Stetter KO. Nature. 2002. Pubmed: 11986665
Remarks -


Mismatches Archaea Bacteria Eukaryota
0 1.3462 3.6639 -
1 67.5843 11.8767 0.2337