Probe details


Accession no. pB-211
Full name (Alm et al.) -
Categories methanogenic archaea
iron- and manganese-reducing bacteria
Specificity all methanogens, Halobacterium spp., Pyrococcus spp., Sulfolobus spp., Homo sapiens, Thermofilum spp., Pyrobaculum spp.
Taxonomy Methanobacteriota; Methanobacteriati; Archaea; cellular organisms
Sequence 5'-GGG CGG TGT GTG CAA GGA G-3'
Length [nt] 19
G+C content [%] 68
Target rRNA 16S
Position 1-18
Formamide -
Check specificity/coverage SILVA TestProbe
References Differentiation of methanosaeta concilii and methanosarcina barkeri in anaerobic mesophilic granular sludge by fluorescent In situ hybridization and confocal scanning laser microscopy Rocheleau S, Greer CW, Lawrence JR, Cantin C, Laramee L, Guiot SR. Applied and environmental microbiology. 1999. Pubmed: 10224023
Remarks wrong sequence in reference (should be reverse complementary)