Probe details


Tested for in situ hybridization.

Accession no. pB-1521
Full name (Alm et al.) S-*-Hhy-654-a-A-18
Specificity several Haliscomenobacter species among others the type strain and an isolate named Plant1 Iso10B
Taxonomy Haliscomenobacter; Haliscomenobacteraceae; Saprospirales; Saprospiria; Bacteroidota; Bacteroidota/Chlorobiota group; FCB group; Pseudomonadati; Bacteria; cellular organisms
Sequence 5'-GCC TAC CTC AAC YTG ATT-3'
Length [nt] 18
G+C content [%] 44
Target rRNA 16S
Position 654-676
Formamide 35
Check specificity/coverage SILVA TestProbe
References Identity, abundance and ecophysiology of filamentous bacteria belonging to the Bacteroidetes present in activated sludge plants. Kragelund C, Levantesi C, Borger A, Thelen K, Eikelboom D, Tandoi V, Kong Y, Krooneman J, Larsen P, Thomsen TR, Nielsen PH. Microbiology (Reading, England). 2008. Pubmed: 18310034
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