Probe details


Tested for in situ hybridization.

Accession no. pB-1245
Full name (Alm et al.) S-St-Iso8-1004-a-A-18
Specificity Flavobacterium isolate 8
Taxonomy Flavobacterium; Flavobacteriaceae; Flavobacteriales; Flavobacteriia; Bacteroidota; Bacteroidota/Chlorobiota group; FCB group; Pseudomonadati; Bacteria; cellular organisms
Sequence 5'-GGT CTG TTT CCA AAC CGG-3'
Length [nt] 18
G+C content [%] 56
Target rRNA 16S
Position 1004-1021
Formamide 50
Check specificity/coverage SILVA TestProbe
References Characterization of the microbial community of lotic organic aggregates ('river snow') in the Elbe River of Germany by cultivation and molecular methods. Böckelmanna U, Manza W, Neub TR, Szewzyka U. FEMS microbiology ecology. 2000. Pubmed: 10967215
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