Use this tool to find all probes or primers that match or target your query rRNA sequence(s) with up to two mismatches.
Paste a sequence into the infield and/or upload a (multiple) FASTA file. If a FASTA file is uploaded and a sequence is pasted into the infield, the contents will be combined. Sequences in an uploaded FASTA file must start with a header ('>'). A single sequence pasted into the infield does not need a header, multiple sequences pasted into the infield need to be separated with headers ('>').
Only enter valid characters for DNA/RNA sequences. Ambiguous characters will be translated according to the IUPAC code. Allowed characters: ACGTURYSWKMBDHVNXIacgturyswkmbdhvnxi-.
A typical application of this tool is to quickly retrieve a set of available FISH probes that target rRNA sequences determined in an environmental microbial diversity survey without the need for extensive comparative sequence analysis. This probe set can then be readily applied for FISH to determine the abundance and spatial organization of the target organism in the sample.