List of probes and primers

59 probes found.

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Probe name Full name (Alm et al.) Category Target rRNA Specificity FISH Primer
Doh299 eukaryotes 18S AMD Dothideomycete fungi
Eur1108 eukaryotes 18S Eurotiomycetes, including AMD fungi
Oil845 eukaryotes 18S AMD Dothideomycete fungi
Ap665 eukaryotes 18S Aureobasidium pullulans
Ch614 eukaryotes 18S Cladosporium herbarum
Flg-Dine-Hsj eukaryotes 18S Dinenympha sp. HsDnA
Flg-Tricho1-Hsj eukaryotes 18S Trichonympha sp. HsTcA
Flg-Euc-Hsj eukaryotes 18S Eucomonympha sp. HsEcA
Flg-Joe-Kfl eukaryotes 18S Joenia sp. KfJeA of K. flavicollis