probeBase is maintained by the Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science at the University of Vienna. The database and the website have been completely re-implemented in 2025 by Lisa Bauer and Fiona Rauscher.
References: If you use probeBase as a tool in your published research, we ask that either of these papers be cited:
Suggested wording: (i) "Oligonucleotide probe sequences have been deposited at probeBase.", or (ii) "Details on oligonucleotide probes are available at probeBase."
Acknowledgement: Frank Oliver Glöckner, Anna Klindworth and the SILVA team are greatly acknowledged for contribution of primer details and calculation of coverage values. We greatly thank Albert Müller, Julia Ramesmayer, Frank Maixner, Carmen Krammer, Manuela Hartmann, and Silvia Weber for database maintenance. We further thank all users who contributed to probeBase by submitting probes.